Previous Programs: Ebola and Other Issues re African Health Care

For article re Liberia’s success click here  Read on here for info and video on the BPAF forum re “The Ebola Crisis”,  which was discussed in the context of the more general crisis in the health care systems of several West African countries, and what actions concerned citizens might take.

Our discussion highlighted some of the  unique clinical  manifestations of Ebola (as an infectious disease) and the role  that MD’s, Nurses and other care providers have already played in addressing  the matter of Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Conakry and other African  countries. We also considered what can be done to strengthen the political  support for more effective assistance from the U.S. and the international  community for better equipping  African  countries to deal with this crisis, and help prevent its spread or recurrence.

The panel and program was moderated by the BPAF President, Dr. Joyce Hope Scott.

The three speakers were: > Mr. Garblah Page, who is Liberian and on the professional counselor staff of the Whittier Street Health Center in Boston. > Dr. Magueye Seck, who is Senegalese, a Professor of  Sociology at Curry College  in Massachusetts, and the founder of a health clinic in his home city of St. Louis in Senegal. > Dr. Nancy Miller, an epidemiologist at the Boston Medical Center.


YouTube videos of all of the  presentations, questions and comments can be accessed from this website, below  (copy each  link into your  browser if it does not open by clicking there)

.[ © This video collection is copyrighted by the Boston Pan-African Forum and you are allowed to open any of it for immediate viewing only, not to transfer it to another location or device, or edit it, or otherwise alter any part of any of these videos in any way.

For the presentation by Mr. G. Page click this link>

for the presentation by Mr. M, Seck, click here>

for the presentation by Dr. Nancy Miller, click here> ]

Q & A  part 1 link

Q & A  part 2 link

Q & A  part 3 link

Q & A part  4 link:

Q & A  part 5 final  link

(the Q and A portion includes questions and comments by D. Abbey, A Carrington, R. Dankerlin, D. Howard, A. Hope, J. Kamara, W. Carrington, W. Johnson, K. Bonney, and others.)