Monthly Archives: December 2020

Mimi Jones obituary Boston Globe Jly 27, 2020 — see separate post re and NYTimes article Dec 23 2020

Boston Globe Obituary  (photos show separately) Overlooked for her role in a galvanizing civil rights protest, Mimi Jones dies at 73 By Bryan Marquard Globe Staff,Updated July 27, 2020, 7:21 p.m. After Black protesters integrated a whites-only pool, the motel owner poured acid near Mrs. Jones.Courtesy of Clennon L. King. A news photo of the […]

Important new book and programs on PanAfricanism

Adebajo’s published comments on his new book: ADEKEYE ADEBAJO: Prophets, poets and African pantheon  BUSINESS DAY BL PREMIUM  29 NOVEMBER 2020 – Pan-Africanism can be defined as the efforts to promote the political, socioeconomic and cultural unity of Africa and its diaspora. I recently edited a 38-chapter volume on The pan-African Pantheon: Prophets, Poets and Philosophers (Jacana, 2020). With […]